Cluster computing

Performance of geodynamic models

Memory hierarchy

Memory hierarchy of modern PC (

Let’s consider a typical 2D thermomechanical geodynamic model:

  • Dimensions: 1000 km x 1000 km

  • Resolution: 1 km

    • Grid points: 1 000 000

    • Maximum time step (diffusion limit): 16 kyrs

  • Four unknowns: \(v_x\), \(v_y\), \(P\), \(T\)

    • Four equations per grid point

  • Discretized versions of the equations:

    • About 20 operations (+ - * /) per equation

    • Operations per step: 80 000 000

  • Modern PC processors can do about 10-100 GFLOPS (1 GFLOP = \(10^9\) floating-point operations per second)

    • The processor could do 1000 steps per second

    • For example, 50 Myrs / 16 kyrs per step = 3200 steps

    • Model run time: 3.2 secs

  • BUT: Memory access time (random): approx. 50 ns

    • Each operation needs to fetch at least one number from memory

    • Worst case: Random location:

      • \(80\times10^6\times50\times10^{-9}~s=4.0~s\) per step

    • Total runtime (“wall clock time”): \(\approx 4~\mathrm{s/step}\times3200~\mathrm{steps}=3.5~\mathrm{hours}\)

  • Also, a lot of other “book keeping” during the model calculations

Exercise - How heavy is a 3D model?

  • Make a similar runtime estimation for a 3D model with same resolution

Improving model performance

The cure: Split the job onto multiple processors.

  • Each will have fewer operations to do

    • Partitioning of the job:

      • Each processor will handle its own grid points, or

      • Each processor will handle its own part in solving the coefficient matrix

  • Each will have a smaller memory region to worry about (can store numbers closer to the processing unit)

Modern computer architecture

Processor architecture

Processor architecture of a 4-core processor (

Modern PCs already use multiple cores (CPUs within one physical processor).

  • No speedup if the program/code used does not support multiple cores!

  • Limited (currently) to about 16 cores, typically 2-4

    • Some CPUs with larger numbers of cores (up to 72) exist, but are expensive

  • Some PC hardware allows two physical processors

More cores can be used by interconnecting multiple physical computers (nodes)

  • Needs a fast way to communicate between computers

    • Faster is better (>10 Gb/s)

  • Needs a protocol for CPUs/nodes to discuss with each other in order to distribute (partition) the work

    • One of the most common: MPI (Message Passing Interface)

Architecture of a computing cluster

Architecture of a computing cluster

The geo-hpcc computer cluster

The geo-hpcc cluster

  • 35 nodes, each with 2 processors, each with 8 cores = 560 cores

Performance of parallel programs

We will test the effect of running a code in parallel, using the geo-hpcc cluster.

  1. Login to the cluster using instructions at

  2. Type

$ cd mpi
$ srun -n 64 python
  1. To see and edit the Python code

$ nano

Exercise - Timing parallel performance

  • Run the script with different number of cores (modify the number after -n, try values between 1-400 cores). Keep record of the core count and time elapsed. We’ll compile our results and plot them as a group.

    • What kind of relationship would you expect to see?

    • What do you actually see?

  • Try commands squeue and sinfo to see the job queue and the status of different nodes

Parallel performance results

You can find the results of the parallel performance exercise in the exercise summary notebook.