General info

Course meetings

  • 9:00-16:00, May 25-29 on Zoom

Zoom meeting attendance is mandatory and any absences must be cleared by the instructor prior to the start of class that day.


  • David Whipp

    • Office: C417, Exactum

    • Email:

    • Phone: +358 (0)2 941 51617

Course completion methods

  • Computer programming exercises

  • (Online) attendance of at least 80% of course lectures/exercises

  • Optional research project/paper

Suggested background studies

Students taking this course should have

  • Basic knowledge of geodynamic processes in the lithosphere (stress and strain, elasticity, viscous flow, plasticity, heat transfer, etc.)

  • Familiarity with basic computer programming concepts (loops, conditional statements, etc.)

  • General understanding of calculus (derivatives, integrals, etc.)

It is not required, but you will also benefit from having some knowledge of programming in Python.