Course materials

Below are links to the sets of lecture slides and websites for the IntroGM course. If you prefer, you are welcome to use the Table of Contents for the web lessons rather than the direct link.

Day 1 Topic Web materials Documents
1.1 Course overview Web presentation PDF
1.2 Key physical processes and concepts   PDF
1.3 Solving equations   PDF
1.4 Python/computing essentials Web lesson  
Day 2                                  
2.1 Finite difference method, part I Web lesson  
2.2 Heat conduction in 1D Web lesson  
Day 3      
3.1 Heat conduction in 1D (ctd.) Web lesson  
3.2 Testing your code and benchmarking Web lesson  
3.3 Advection of a field in 1D Web lesson  
Day 4      
4.1 1D heat conduction,variable props Web lesson  
4.2 Finite difference method, part II Web lesson  
4.3 Heat transfer in 1D (cond. + adv.) Web lesson  
4.4 Marker-in-cell technique   PDF
Day 5      
5.1 Stokes flow in 2D Web lesson  
5.2 Putting it all together Web lesson  
5.3 Project description Web presentation PDF



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