Finite differences formulation of the heat conduction problem¶
The full heat conduction-advection-production equation seen before can be stated in 1D as
We can simplify equation (1) by assuming that there is no advection of heat and that all the physical properties are constant:
How many boundary conditions are needed in order to solve this equation (either numerically or analytically)?
Discretize the equation (2). Use forward difference approximation in time (\(t\)) and central difference approximation in space (\(x\)). Note that each variable has now two indices: one referring to the grid point in space, and in referring to the grid point in time (i.e. the time step). For now, use index letter \(i\) for time step and \(n\) for grid point in space.
Rearrange the discretized equation so that you end up with an expression for the temperature during next time step, i.e.
Like in the sphere-in-a-fluid example, we can draw a finite difference stencil of the problem.
Fig. 6 The temperature \(T_k^{i+1}\) of the next time step will be calculated based on the three temperature values from the previous time step.
Implement a python script that solves equation (2) using following problem setup:
- We will model cooling of the oceanic lithosphere
- Initial rock column (lithosphere) at the mid-ocean ridge will have a constant temperature of \(T_{\mathrm{ini}} = 1350\) (degrees Celsius) from the surface (\(x=0~\mathrm{km}\)) to the bottom of the lithosphere (\(x=100~\mathrm{km}\)).
- The boundary conditions are:
- \(T_{\mathrm{surf}} = 0\) at \(x=0\)
- \(T_{\mathrm{bott}} = 1350\) at \(x=100\)
- The whole lithosphere has constant physical properties:
- Heat capacity \(C_p = 1250~\mathrm{J kg^{-1} K^{-1}}\)
- Density \(\rho = 3300~\mathrm{kg m^{-3}}\)
- Heat conductivity \(\alpha = 4.0~\mathrm{W m^{-1} K^{-1}}\)
- Heat production \(H=0.0~\mathrm{W kg^-1}\)
- Draw a sketch of the problem setup
- Draw a stencil that illustrates the grids in space and time: Draw the full stencil where you have total of six spatial grid points and six time steps. Number the grid point from zero to five (in both indices). Mark the grid points that are governed by the boundary or initial conditions, and those that will be calculated.
- Modify the given code template and
implement missing parts. The structure of the script is already
given, but a some code is missing in places marked
... # EDITME
. Go through the code reading the comments and instructions and implement the missing parts.- Note that the code template uses ‘ix’ for spatial index and ‘it’ for temporal index (short for “index-x” and “index-time”).
- Start with six time steps and six grid points in space, run the model for six million years. You can vary these once the code works.
Start experimenting with your code:
- Can you make it more exact (closer to the analytical solution)
by making
- the spatial resolution higher?
- the temporal resolution higher?
- Are any combinations of
un-usable? What is their relation?
Von Neumann stability analysis¶
Spatially varying physical parameters¶
Above we assumed all the physical parameters are constant, i.e. do not vary within the lithosphere. With this assumption many heat conduction problems become relatively easy to solve analytically, without need to use any numerical methods. Of course, this assumption is very strict and certainly not true within the heterogeneous lithosphere. For example, crust and mantle have quite different thermal parameters: The more silicic crust does not conduct heat as easily as the iron-magnesium rich mantle rock, and most of the heat producing element (U, Th, K) are concentrated in the crust.
If the thermal parameters are a function of position \(x\), the heat equation (without heat advection) has the following form. Transform the equation to its discretized form. Note that we have also added the heat generation term \(H\).
Again, use forward difference approximation in time, and central difference approximation in space.
Since the first order derivative of the temperature on the right hand side can no more be combined, we are left with expressions like \(\alpha_{p}\frac{T_{n+1}-T_n}{\Delta x}\) that approximate the heat flow \(q_{n+½}\) from grid point \(n\) to \(n+1\). Here, \(\alpha_p\) should be the conductivity value between the two grid points (\(p=n+½\)), but it is not known since, obviously, there is no grid point where conductivity could have been defined. We can use linear interpolation, i.e.
However, this generates some inaccuracy since it is basically a smoothing operation done on the conductivity field.
Why can not we decide to use the conductivity value from either grid point \(n\) or grid point \(n+1\), and use that consistently on each grid point? I.e. use the forward (backward) difference approximation
Staggered grids¶
A commonly used solution for the problem above is to use so called staggered grids. The basic idea is to start with an approach where some calculated variables and/or physical parameters are defined at different locations than the others.
The heat flow (\(q=-\alpha\frac{\partial T}{\partial x}\)) is a good example: If we approximate the heat flow with a central difference over two grid points, the resulting approximation is valid between those two grid points:
Now, we can use the averaging method to get \(\alpha_{n+½}\). However, to get the heat flow values at the grid points where all the other variables are defined, we need to interpolate them, too, from the “mid-points” back to the main grid points.
To avoid too much interpolation and averaging, one can define different grids for different variables. In the case of heat equation, natural choice is to define \(T,~C_p\) and \(\rho\) at the main grid points, just like we have done before. However, heat conductivity \(\alpha\) and flow \(q\) is defined on another grid that has grid points between the main grid points. Heat conductivity and heat flow are not known (and need not to be known) at the main grid points, and, on the other hand, the other variables are only known at the main grid points.
Fig. 7 A staggered grid for the solution of the heat diffusion problem, with four time steps and four spatial grid points.
Circles mark the grid points that are used to define temperature, density, heat capacity, and heat production. Red circles: initial conditions, blue circles: boundary conditions. Crosses mark the grid points used to define heat conductivity and heat flow.
The last row of heat conductivity values (i = 3) are ghost points and not used in the solution. The mid-point grid does not need to include those points, but for technical (code implementation related) reasons it is often easier to keep both grids the same size in all directions.
Write an finite differences expression using staggered grids to calculate the temperature at grid point \(n=2\) time step \(i=3\). You should not need any “half-indices” or averaging of variables.
Script is almost ready implementation of the heat diffusion+production problem with variable physical parameters and a staggered grid. The structure is very similar to the template of the previous coding exercise.
Implement the missing lines of code at l. 96 to calculate the new temperature values.
Use the following discretized version of heat equation
\[T_n^{i} = \left( \alpha_n \frac{T_{n+1}^{i-1} - T_n^{i-1}}{\Delta x^2} - \alpha_{n-1} \frac{T_n^{i-1} - T_{n-1}^{i-1}}{\Delta x^2} + H_n \right) \frac{\Delta t}{\rho_n C_{p,n}} + T_n^{i-1}\]Modify the script for a new problem setup:
- Instead of one layer crust, specify an upper and a lower crust
- Set the upper crust heat production to \(2.5~\mathrm{µWm^{-3}}\), and the lower crust to \(1.0~\mathrm{µWm^{-3}}\)
Modify the script for yet another problem: Model the cooling of an intrusion of a hot sill in to mid-crust. This requires changing almost all of the parameters in the script but should not require any modifications to the actual finite-differences part (the time loop).
Model only the crustal part of the lithosphere, thickness 35 km.
Surface temperature is zero degrees celsius, moho temperature 600 degrees.
At the beginning of the model, the sill has just intruded so that it occupies the depth from 7 km to 10 km.
The sill has an initial temperature of 1150 degrees (molten basalt)
The remaining of the crust has an initial temperature given by
\[T(x) = -\frac{1}{2}\frac{H}{\alpha}x^2 + C_1 x\]where
\[C_1 = \left( T_{\mathrm{bott}} + \frac{1}{2}\frac{H}{\alpha}L^2 \right) / L\](See for an example of function evaluation in python)
Use following physical parameters to start with:
- Intrusion:
- \(\alpha = 4.0\)
- \(\rho = 3200\)
- \(C_p = 1250\)
- \(H=10^{-6}\)
- Rest of the crust:
- \(\alpha = 2.5\)
- \(\rho = 2900\)
- \(C_p = 800\)
- \(H=10^{-6}\)
Things to consider:
- How high spatial resolution do you need?
- How long do you estimate the model needs to run in order to cool down the whole sill? How many time steps do you need?