This page was generated from source/notebooks/day-5/CLI-tools.ipynb. Interactive online version: Binder badge

Helpful command line tools

Running DOUAR jobs

Editing and running a new job

To run a new simulation with DOUAR you should do the following:

cd douar/inputs
nano NEWMODEL.txt

(edit parameters)

~/bin/ -i ~/douar/inputs/NEWMODEL.txt -n 32

Monitoring job status/cancelling a job

  • squeue: Show a list of models running on the geo-hpcc cluster
  • scancel JOB_ID: Cancel a job running on the cluster

Postprocessing job output

To create the VTK files for visualization in ParaView, you can do the following:

cd /globalscratch/introgm[N]/douar/NEWMODEL_yymmddhhmmss/OUT
~/bin/ -n NUM

(tranfer .vtk files using WinSCP or scp)

(Visualize data in ParaView)

where [N] in introgm[N] should be replaced with your user number and NUM is the frequency of VTK output to produce. For example, ~/bin/ -n 5 would produce output for every 5th DOUAR time step.