What is the idea?

We'd like to see you take your new skills as geodynamic modellers and apply them to learning something about a problem of your choosing.

Example problems could include:

  • Rifting of a continent
  • Continent-continent collision
  • Intrusion of igneous bodies in 1D or 2D
  • Sinking of tectonic plates in the mantle


The paper should be formatted as follows

  • 12 pt Times New Roman (or similar) font
  • Single spacing between lines
  • Text and figures should not exceed 8 pages
    • References and the appendix can be on additional pages as needed

The paper should include the sections described on the following slides


  • This part of the report discusses your results. It can have multiple subsections if you desire. Any interpretation you make from your plots/calculations should be presented here.
  • An example discussion section topics (at least one paragraph each) could include:
    • What are the main geological or geophysical implications of your results?
    • Was there any result that was unexpected or counterintuitive?
    • What are the limitations of the modeling approach and how do they affect the results?
    • What are the implications of your results for the problem/hypothesis you stated in the introduction? Have you sufficiently tested your hypothesis or are more experiments needed?
    • Any other topics you feel should be discussed about the implications of the model results